R.S.O.L. archive
Room for the Study Of Loneliness : space for contemporary art
two inbetween days
met werk van / with work by: Glenn Plaisier
R.S.O.L. 23.06 - 28.08 2021
R.S.O.L. 23.06 - 28.08 2021
tijdens de tentoonstelling was de galerie gesloten / during the exhibition the gallery was closed info
21.07 - 31.07
21.07 - 31.07
Inbetween days is het R.S.O.L. programmaonderdeel waar kunstenaars of onderzoekers recent eigen werk kunnen tonen, zonder inhoudelijke sturing van een curator, in de perioden tussen R.S.O.L. presentaties in. In de maanden juli en augustus toont Glenn Plaisier (NL/DE) zijn werk in de tweede inbetween days. Plaisier studeerde aan de Academie voor Beeldende Kunst van Enschedé - de Aki, en aan het Bauhaus in Dessau (DE). Hij exposeerde eerder bij onder andere de Deventer Nachtexpo en bij TENT Rotterdam. Plaisier hanteert omkeringen om inzichten te verwerven in kunsthistorische kwesties en praktijken die nu van belang zijn. De talige handeling van referentie en betekenis wordt ingezet om concepten en oordelen anders te benaderen, soms op een manier die verwant is aan de werking van moppen.
Inbetween days is the R.S.O.L. programme component in which artists or researchers can show recent work, without a curatorial frame, in the periods inbetween R.S.O.L. presentations. In July and August, Glenn Plaisier (NL/DE) will be showing his work in the second inbetween days. Plaisier studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Enschedé - the Aki, and at the Bauhaus in Dessau (DE). He has previously exhibited at the Deventer Nachtexpo and at TENT Rotterdam, among other places. Plaisier uses reversals to gain insights into art historical issues and practices that are relevant for today's art practice. The linguistic act of reference and meaning is deployed to approach concepts and judgements differently, sometimes in a manner akin to the working of jokes.
over het inbetween days programma onderdeel / about the inbetween days programme section
Inbetween days is the R.S.O.L. programme component in which artists or researchers can show recent work, without a curatorial frame, in the periods inbetween R.S.O.L. presentations. In July and August, Glenn Plaisier (NL/DE) will be showing his work in the second inbetween days. Plaisier studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Enschedé - the Aki, and at the Bauhaus in Dessau (DE). He has previously exhibited at the Deventer Nachtexpo and at TENT Rotterdam, among other places. Plaisier uses reversals to gain insights into art historical issues and practices that are relevant for today's art practice. The linguistic act of reference and meaning is deployed to approach concepts and judgements differently, sometimes in a manner akin to the working of jokes.
over het inbetween days programma onderdeel / about the inbetween days programme section
Nulbeweging naar Museum EICAS / Zero Movement to Museum EICAS
De videosculptuur 'Nulbeweging' (Glenn Plaisier, 2019) uit two inbetween days is opgenomen in de collectie van Museum EICAS, dat in 2022 opent aan de Nieuwe Markt in Deventer.
/ The video sculpture 'ZERO movement' (Glenn Plaisier, 2019) from two inbetween days is included in the collection of Museum EICAS, which opens in 2022 at the Nieuwe Markt in Deventer. |
Op 25.03.2022 schreef Glenn Plaisier me echter: "ik wil het werk terug hebben." Hierom heb ik de bruikleenovereenkomst met Museum EICAS alweer op moeten zeggen. Van Koos Hoogland, initiator van het museum, hoorde ik op 04.04.2022 dat hij Plaisier gevraagd heeft om een "rechtstreekse voortzetting van de bruikleenovereenkomst met EICAS." En hij voegde daaraan toe: "Hij heeft daarmee ingestemd."
/ On 25.03.2022 however, Glenn Plaisier wrote to me: "I want the work back." For this reason, I have already had to cancel the loan agreement with Museum EICAS. From Koos Hoogland, initiator of the museum, I heard on 04.04.2022 that he had asked Plaisier for a "direct continuation of the loan agreement with EICAS." And he added: "He has agreed to that." |