All items, texts and pictures, as well as the depicted works, on this website, are copyrighted by the author, Ton Kruse, under Dutch law - unless otherwise specified.
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Not-for-Profit: Possible revenues are used to achieve substantive objectives.
Artisthood is here seen and understood as a not-for-profit institution in the practice of contemporary and autonomous art, researching tangible and intangible topics and cases, in order to gain knowledge and insights of 'the world' and of 'being in the world' - and to improve and develop the functioning and meaning of this very practice. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, artisthood fosters diversity and sustainability. Artists operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of and in communities, offering diverse experiences for reflection and for sharing and producing knowledge. (definition based on the 2022 ICOM Museum definition)
Not-for-Profit: Possible revenues are used to achieve substantive objectives.
Artisthood is here seen and understood as a not-for-profit institution in the practice of contemporary and autonomous art, researching tangible and intangible topics and cases, in order to gain knowledge and insights of 'the world' and of 'being in the world' - and to improve and develop the functioning and meaning of this very practice. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, artisthood fosters diversity and sustainability. Artists operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of and in communities, offering diverse experiences for reflection and for sharing and producing knowledge. (definition based on the 2022 ICOM Museum definition)
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God, bless and sanctify this house, its dwellers, guests, contributors and all that is in it. Bless this house, as You blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. May Your blessing and closeness be experienced within its walls, and may all who enter and leave here be strengthened to continue their life's journey. Father, may Your Spirit fill the hearts, hands, thoughts and imagination of all who work here. May every work accomplished here bring honour and glory to You and to those who perform it and partake in it. Keep this room from negative thoughts, cynicism, disbelief and darkness. Inspire every thought here with all that is true, noble, good, just, beautiful and pure (Phil. 4:8-9). And after all work and effort, give the necessary rest and relaxation. Through Jesus Christ, Amen
God, bless and sanctify this house, its dwellers, guests, contributors and all that is in it. Bless this house, as You blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. May Your blessing and closeness be experienced within its walls, and may all who enter and leave here be strengthened to continue their life's journey. Father, may Your Spirit fill the hearts, hands, thoughts and imagination of all who work here. May every work accomplished here bring honour and glory to You and to those who perform it and partake in it. Keep this room from negative thoughts, cynicism, disbelief and darkness. Inspire every thought here with all that is true, noble, good, just, beautiful and pure (Phil. 4:8-9). And after all work and effort, give the necessary rest and relaxation. Through Jesus Christ, Amen