the songs: Watching You Dance & The Night
In the years before I went to college, I had a band in the village where I grew up, together with two friends from Elementary School: 'Crashing Reality'. The name was based on a book that meant a lot to me at the time, by J.M.A. Biesheuvel, 'De verpletterende werkelijkheid'.
Inspired by the DIY spirit of punk, we made our own music. We couldn't play other people's songs and we preferred to make our own music. Learning by doing, and things that might be not done according to musical rules, were fine with us. Mistakes actually deliver surprises.
As a singer and guitarist I wrote most of the songs, sometimes with input of the others, especially Berend Hogeling (bass). These songs I wrote back then too. I guess they pretty much speak for themselves.
Inspired by the DIY spirit of punk, we made our own music. We couldn't play other people's songs and we preferred to make our own music. Learning by doing, and things that might be not done according to musical rules, were fine with us. Mistakes actually deliver surprises.
As a singer and guitarist I wrote most of the songs, sometimes with input of the others, especially Berend Hogeling (bass). These songs I wrote back then too. I guess they pretty much speak for themselves.