the Natural Disasters Series
The Natural Disasters Series emerged from the confrontation with various disasters that occurred in the period of the creation of these works. The great earthquake of Kobe, Japan, was one of them. From childhood on I was struck by the vulnerability of man and his culture. Not only is nature able to put the man-constructed world upside down and destroy it, but also the inner nature of man himself is often much stronger than his civilization. The crossing of the apparent safety of reason by passions and emotions, can turn the perception on the head. I read in this period various transscriptions of colleges by Sigmund Freud about the so-called subconscious. Freud pictured the unconscious as a horse ridden only with difficulty and scarcely controlled by the mind as it's jockey. The uprising horse that I found in a newspaper photograph became a theme in this series, as well as a statue of the virgin Mary that was recovered from a flooded church. The image appears to shrug, as if it says: sorry, I can't help it either...